25 Apr 2021
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are important for students to understand what the expectations are and how they can work towards achieving learning outcomes.
When co creating success criteria, students have a greater understanding of how they can achieve a successful outcome.
Mainstream classes in Stage 3 co created the success criteria for their speeches in Term 1, which was their culminating task for the integrated English unit. Students worked in 2 groups of 3 classes.
Students viewed recordings of the 2019 Stage 3 Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition winner's speeches and the adjudicator's commentary. Collaborating with their peers, Stage 3 students then worked in small groups via breakout rooms in Zoom to decide on what they believed to be the 3 most important criteria. They then posted their criteria on a Jamboard (pictured below). From this Jamboard teachers were able to finalise the criteria for the marking rubric for all students in Stage 3.